Saturday, October 11, 2008

and more pictures

So here are more picture. If you haven't already seen, I have more pictures in the entry before this one. There are many more within this entry, however. Enjoy!

This first picture was taken about 20 minutes till my Austrian Culture class, which is held in the building in the middle. I wish all the buildings I have class in were as pretty as this one, but alas, my other classes are held in buildings that were built in the 1960s (and were meant to only last 10 years!). But who could complain on a day like that?

There are many bridges in Salzburg. The city is divided by a river called the Salzach. This bridge is the footbridge--only pedrestrians and cyclists are allowed.

Yes, those are my feet. And at the top is the fortress!

I felt the urge to touch the water. As soon as I felt how cold it was, I became even more careful so as to not fall in. 

On a different day, some friends and I took a walk to catch this view. Some of you may think of Alaska when looking at my pictures of the mountains here--I know they make me think of Alaska!

This one especially reminds me of Anchorage.

Here I am posing with the mountains. (That's a hat I'm holding in my right hand, by the way.)

Pieces of fall in Salzburg...

Oktoberfest! If you search below, you'll find a detailed account of my time in Munich Germany on October 4th, which happened to be the last day of Oktoberfest. This picture below is of the 5 girls I traveled around Munich with. (The one making a goofy face is my roommate.)  : )

We waited for so long to get into this beer hall. After searching and searching, we came to the conclusion that we were never going to find seats. This picture hardly does the size of the hall any justice--it was huge and there must've been close to 3,000 people inside!

We gave up on the beer hall, but not on the beer. I refused to be at Oktoberfest and NOT have a beer, even though I don't like beer. In the picture below, we're all holding a kind called "weissbier" or "white beer." It was actually really good! 

They charge you for your glass as an incentive to bring it back to be reimbursed...but I decided to hold onto mine. It's sort of a trophy--the glass from which I consumed my first (and only) beer from Oktoberfest.

Now, Oktoberfest isn't just a bunch of people drinking beer. It's a fair! The biggest fair in the world, to be exact. This is the ride we chose to go on. It was the best swing ever, but taken to a whole new level--literally.

Before the ride...

Part of my spinning view during the ride...

My self and swing buddy screaming during the ride...

An elevated view of Oktoberfest...

The picture below was taken within a church in Munich. I have seen a lot of cathedrals, but this was the most ornately decorated church I've ever seen in my life. I wouldn't be surprised if it remains that way.

The Glockenspiel! This bell tower is very famous for it's animated characters inside. It was exciting to finally watch because I've been hearing about it ever since I started to learn German when I was 15!

A knight passing through...part of the little show the Glockenspiel offers.

Prayer candles within a church. I always think these are so pretty.

This is the church with the candles from above. It was very long.

Holy water...

A postcard view of Salzburg. I took this while standing on a bridge. When you get pictures of Salzburg, this is typically the view you're given. From here you can see most of the major cathedrals and, of course, the fortress.

And here I am standing in front of it all!

Most of my classrooms aren't that fantastic, but it does offer this view from the back.

This is that highly decorated church in Munich again: I was completely overwhelmed because there was so much to look at.

A pretty little side street in Salzburg. A lot of the main part of the town looks like this.

Ever seem Miss Congeniality? This guy was playing the Nutcracker.

Inside the Dom in was very pretty and reminded me of a smaller version of St. Paul's cathedral in London.

This is not the Dom, but I liked it nonetheless.

Well I hope you like that! I'll have to go out and take more pictures before more are uploaded. Let me know what you think! 

Bye for now,

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You and your feet pictures! It looks like you're having a really great time though :)