Wednesday, September 10, 2008


As many of you have noticed, time is about to mark the 7th anniversary of the attacks on September 11th, 2001. And how do I decide to celebrate? Get on an international flight, of course! No, I did not choose this date to fly, but I'm not worried. Seriously, think of the security.

Anyway, it's my last night in the U.S. for the greater portion of the rest of the year 2008. Today has felt strange. I have to keep telling myself, "I'm leaving tomorrow" as I display a look of disbelief. What's funny about today (though not at the time) is I took the GREs this morning (for the second time). I hope to never have to see the inside of the Prometric Testing Center ever again. 

I'm at that point in the packing process where I have nothing left to do except wait to use some products for the last time and throw them in my suitcase. I weighed it today, knowing that I still had heavy liquids to throw in. It was exactly 50 lbs. Oy. So I sacrificed some things and rearranged others, but came to the conclusion that my backpack just isn't big enough to hold what my suitcase should not. Therefore, I made a trip to Target and bought a giant tote bag that shall be referred to as my purse (or personal item) for the duration of my travels. Hopefully this will solve my weight know what I mean.

I will be in London for the first few days. That stay is going to be the most exhausting blessing ever. I'm excited to return to the giant playground for English majors, but there's a good chance that I may fall asleep on the tube or something. As for now, I'm hoping that my plane ride will be soporific...and without screaming babies. But that last one is a long shot.

My next entry will be from another country! Wish me luck and pray I get there in one piece!  (and that my luggage isn't lost on my way over!)

Auf Wiederschreiben,



Bekah said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this! I am enjoying your playful writing style already - can't wait to read more.

a dopo bella!

Melissa said...

I agree with Bekah on your playful writing's a lot of fun to read. Good luck on your plane ride and not having your luggage lost. I thought about you when I woke up this morning and realized you were leaving today. Sigh. I'll miss you...but you already know that.

Raschelle said...

Oh, Hillary. You are such an English major! I'm glad you're doing this! It'll make it seem as if you were never gone... kind of. :)

Bon Voyage!

Erika said...

YAY! I'm living through you, so have the time of your life! ;)